PRODUCTION NOTES: letterpress printed covers, existing lined sheets, blank 100# Mohawk Superfine Eggshell Text, 90# Manila Tag, wire-o binding
I like a sketchbook that not only lies completely flat, but also folds back on itself so I can concentrate on just one page. I also like to add things to my sketchbooks, both adhered to the pages and placed loosely inside. And sometimes I want lined paper.
This sketchbook takes care of all of these needs: the wire-o binding binding allows it to lie flat, fold back on itself, AND makes it possible to add extra bits to the pages without the book feeling overstuffed. The last page in the sketchbook is a 2-sided pocket to keep treasures safe from falling out. And there are 15 sheets of various new and vintage office and writing papers sprinkled throughout the book to take care of any lined paper needs.

The front covers were repurposed from old file folders and pressboard. Both front and back covers are letterpress printed with handset type and rule in black and silver for light colors (Green, Pale Aqua, Light Blue, and Medium Blue) and silver and gold for dark colors (Red, Deep Navy, Brown, and Black). Inside there are 45 sheets of 100# Mohawk Superfine Eggshell text. Each sketchbook is unique and measures 5 1/2" x 8 1/2" x 7/8".