The Seattle Book Arts Guild invited me to discuss what went into making two new artist's books, which I created during an artist's residency I did in August 2019. SEE MORE

PROJECT: Party Invitations   |   DESIGNER: ilfant press  |   CLIENT: Inhouse   |   PRESS: letterpress printed on 8 x 12 C&P

Every year I have a party to thank my letterpress class assistants for their awesomeness. So obviously I send custom letterpress printed invitations, and this is one of my favorites. 

I set the type in a long strip and printed directly onto ribbon in small sections. The ribbon was stitched securely at the beginning and loosely at the end in case anyone wanted to undo the ribbon and read it in one go, rather than turning the card over and over. 

I wrote the addresses on a sheet of yellow vellum and placed both pieces inside a clear envelope. That way it was fun for the postal workers, too.

PRINT METHOD: letterpress  |  PRINTED WITH: metal type  |  STOCK: silk ribbon and wrapped around some beautifully crummy old 65# cover I had lying around  |  INK: a lovely dark orange